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Celebrating Women, Influence and Power in Law

We are thrilled to announce that Axinn partner, Denise Plunkett, has been honored with a Corporate Counsel 2023 Women, Influence and Power in Law Award for Innovative Leadership. This acknowledgment recognizes her relentless dedication, profound experience, and the significant impact she has made in the legal profession.

In celebration of this honor, we are proud to sponsor the upcoming Women, Influence & Power in Law Conference in New Orleans from October 17-19, 2023. Denise will be lending her voice and insights as a panelist on the “Creating Win-Win Outside Counsel Relationships” panel, along with the General Counsel from Flynn Restaurant Group, Aspen Aerogels, Inc., and Ericsson.    

The conference also will host an impressive delegation of our firm’s female antitrust partners, including Rachel Adcox, Lisl Dunlop, Jeny Maier, Leslie Overton, and Tiffany Rider. Their presence is a testament to our commitment to supporting and amplifying the voices of women in law.

We invite you to join us as we champion the women in our industry and celebrate Denise’s award.

I am thrilled to receive this award. The advancement of women in the legal profession has been a priority for me for the entirety of my career,” said Denise Plunkett, chair of Axinn’s Litigation Group. “I want to thank Corporate Counsel for spotlighting the women tackling the gender diversity issues that still affect our industry, despite great progress, since I started out as a lawyer 30 years ago. I also want to recognize and thank all of my fellow honorees for inspiring so many—including myself—with their innovative approaches and dedication to empowering women in the legal profession.”


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