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Connecticut Tech Council's Women of Innovation Awards

We are excited to support the Connecticut Tech Council as they hold the Women of Innovation Awards on October 25. 

Women of Innovation is a Connecticut Tech Council program and one of Connecticut's largest networks of women in tech. This year, thirty-four women will be recognized for their achievements in science, technology, engineering, and math. We're also proud to announce that Axinn counsel Rebecca Clegg will be presenting an award at this year's ceremony.

We invite you to join us as we celebrate the many achievements of professional women in STEM.

I am excited to take part in honoring the thirty-four exceptional Connecticut women being recognized at this year's Women of Innovation Awards,” said Rebecca Clegg, counsel at Axinn. “These women have made significant contributions to the STEM fields, and I’m proud to support an organization that has been honoring such women for almost twenty years.”


intellectual property, dei, tech