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Supporting the National Asian Pacific Bar Association’s Annual Convention

We are proud to support the National Asian Pacific Bar Association as it holds its Annual Convention on November 9-12 in Indianapolis.

The Convention is an annual gathering of Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) attorneys, judges, law professors, and law students, bringing meaningful insights, networking opportunities, and perspectives to the legal community.

Attendees will have the exciting opportunity to hear from attorney and civil rights activist, Mia Yamamoto, and attend sessions on several topics such as community and empowerment, leadership, gender equality, and more. 

I’m thrilled to attend my first NAPABA Convention and hear the unique insights and perspectives from the remarkable AANHPI voices in the legal field,” said Axinn associate Eva Yung. “I’m also proud to be part of a firm that’s committed to supporting organizations like NAPABA.”

