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GCR's Women in Antitrust Conference

Global Competition Review's Women in Antitrust Conference is taking place on November 14 in Washington, DC, and we are pleased to be a part of it. The conference will highlight leading female practitioners, enforcers, economists, and in-house counsel in the competition industry.

For the second year in a row Axinn partner Jeny Maier will offer her insights, this year speaking on the "Novel Theories of How Mergers Harm Competition" panel. Panelists will discuss matters that involve novel concerns with mergers in technology, healthcare, and other key industry sectors and what this new trend means for the future of transactions.

I can’t wait to speak at GCR’s Women in Antitrust Conference again and also hear insights from other leading women practitioners in antitrust law,” said Axinn partner Jeny Maier. “Several of my Axinn colleagues will be there too, and we’re looking forward to making some great connections.”


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