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Empowering Career Development at CYOC

Axinn is a proud supporter of this year's Charting Your Own Course (CYOC) Career Development Conference, hosted by Stakeholders. For nearly twenty-three years, the conference has empowered attorneys of color with career strategies, relationship-building skills, and an environment of accountability.  

Axinn Partner and Chief Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Officer Leslie Overton will attend along with attorneys Laviana Alharmoosh, Aigerim Saudabayeva, and Sandhya Taneja. 

We are thrilled to support an organization dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the legal profession. 

Attending the CYOC Conference will be a great chance for me and my colleagues to learn career building strategies and make new connections," said associate Laviana Alharmoosh. "This will be my first time at the conference, and I'm looking forward to exploring the opportunities it has to offer."

